This webcast aired on May 5, 2022.
CPE Credit(s): 1

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As businesses advance through Q2 2022, it’s a time to evaluate progress and ensure a strong business plan for the rest of the year. Veriff, an identity verification service, has conducted research into growing online fraud trends, a significant risk for businesses and consumers, and has produced actionable recommendations to achieve global compliance, security, and efficiency.

Veriff’s in-house research offers insight into the mean fraud rate globally, granular statistics for the United States and Europe, the mean rate of fraud in industries like crypto and fintech, plus the countries that witnessed the most fraud on average in the beginning of 2022. By learning about the prevalent risks from Veriff’s fraud lead, Munna Poddar, in conversation with Compliance Week’s expert team, you’ll discover how beating the risk of fraud and the goal of global compliance is a mission every business should be undertaking.

In this webinar, you’ll learn the changing nature of online fraud and the solutions that can best combat it, the importance of global compliance for today’s brands, and exclusive research conducted over Q1 and prior. Join us to discover:

  • National and industry-specific online fraud statistics, insights into why it occurs, and actionable solutions to meet compliance.
  • The types of fraud that are now most common online, the changes from the past, and how to get prepared for evolving risks.
  • Changes in compliance, how it has an impact on the way that businesses function, and key steps to meet legal regulation.
  • Why having a legally compliant, secure, and seamless online service is vital to all business activities, from hitting growth targets to satisfying users and maintaining a strong employer brand.

Visit the webinar to access our Q&A, where you can quiz Veriff and Compliance Week on some of your key fraud and compliance concerns.

Munna Poddar, Fraud Product Manager - Veriff